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A. Halim Hakimi

محل سکونت



A well and seems to be eye witnessed 3-part historical essay written by Mr. Mayaar Sahib is informative rich, raises a few question:
What might be the motivation/reason for the late Nationalistic King Amanullah Khan to name her doughter- Hindia - while passing through British-India with his entourage safe and sound with loads of bounties?
May God have mercy on how Mr. Mayars were able to manage and, as the famous saying goes, quench their thirst with the edge of a moving sword and accompany the deposed king to the last minutes and within 9 months still be the central star to the new then king? 


ساخته شده در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823
آخرین اصلاح در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823