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A. Halim Hakimi

محل سکونت



(Original Caption) Johannesburg, South Africa: Nelson Mandela visits Hlengiwe School to encourage students to learn - Former President of South Africa and longtime political prisoner, held by the Apartheid based government from 1964-1990 for sabotage. With the coming of a freer political climate, Mandela was released from his life sentence at Victor Vester Prison on February 11, of 1990. He went on to lead the African National Congress in negotiations with President F.W. de Klerk, that resulted in the end of Apartheid and full citizenship for all South Africans. He and de Klerk received a joint Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for their efforts. Mandela was elected president in 1994. (Photo by © Louise Gubb/CORBIS SABA/Corbis via Getty Nelson Mandela Visits Hlengiwe School
Racial segregation, sanctioned by law, was widely practiced in South Africa and named apartheid which all South Africans people were divided into four racial groups. They were White, Bantu (all Black Africans), Coloured (those of mixed race), or Asian (Indian and Pakistani). The official law established residential and business sections in urban areas for each race, and members of other races were barred from living, operating businesses, or owning land in them—which led to thousands of Coloureds, Blacks, and Indians being removed from areas classified for white occupation. The end result was to set aside more than 80 percent of South Africa’s land for the white minority. To prevent Blacks from encroaching on white areas, the government pass laws, which required nonwhites to carry documents authorizing their presence in restricted areas. in 1970 Blacks were stripped of their South African citizenship and thereby excluded from the South African body politic.

Once again, it would be easy to conclude that privileges based on birthright were the ultimate result of apartheid placing blacks among the 4 categories at the bottom of the barrel so to speak.

 Birthright is a right and privilege to which a person is entitled to it by birth, and it is fully implemented in Afghanistan. The claimants of succession based genetic superiors of Afghanistan while being far less than one tenth of a percent of population, but always remain on top of the food chain, subdue most natives to mesmerism and hypnotism, counts for almost half of Afghans intellectuals, and some among them have the vested power to alter natural social process/progress to the sit still status.


ساخته شده در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823
آخرین اصلاح در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823