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Hazarzbek Tajiashtun

محل سکونت



A second open letter to the leaders of the Islamic Emirate.
Authored by Abdul Bari Jahani
Concept translated by Hazarzbek Tajiashtun

The saying goes that, the disbeliever rule will continue, but the rule of oppression does not. The above Arabic phrase may be true or not in the history of other regions of the world, but we have been witnesses and actualy going through this in Afghanistan for forty years.The regime of Khalq and Parcham, the government of the Mujahideen and then the first government of yours' which was not overthrown by the forces of the United States and NATO alone, but 99 percent of the country's residents were dissatisfied with your then regime. I saw that dissatisfaction with my own eyes in Kandahar, Kabul and Jalalabad. Even if the US and NATO were not attacked, your governing system would eventually become the target of people's anger and rage.

After that, the 20 years western backed system was also based on injustices, corruption, bribes, arbitrariness and atrocities. I can boldly say that only corrupt officials and those who have had unprecedented material benefits would be satisfied with that system.

Then, the people took refuge in you and you are elevated back to power because of the people's displeasure and dissatisfaction with that system. But hold your breath, because I could say to you with confidence that except for your own Taliban, all the people in the country are feed up and angry and at you. Female doctors and nurses went on strike against your oppression, violence and the ban on girls' education. The first loss of your action, goes to those patients who need the urgent help of female doctors and you are responsible for their desperation.

People are suffering from hunger and unemployment. People can't afford to rent a place and have no basic food items for their children. Skilfull and knowledgable professional governors and district managers were replaced by your Taliban some of whom are engaged in second, third and even fourth mairages.

If you continue these atrocities and Keep girls' schools and universities to be closed. Enforce restrictions on women and
if the atrocities and harassment of people continued, be understood that cruelty do not bring strength and people will be hungry, unemployed and homeless. Do not be fooled by your strength and understand to be reminded that the United States
And NATO, the greatest powers in the world with all its weapons and forces, could not resist the discontent of the people. America's exit was not because of your perfection. If you did not have the support of the disaffected people of Afghanistan, you will not be able to count alone on Pakistan which is the benefactor of the great powers itself. would America have given up? And now with grab of power
You are oppressing the afflicted people who need to be sheltered by you.

Afghanistan cannot live in an isolated island apart from the rest of the world and within applied pure terms of prayer or Kidani Khalsa and still expect progress. The statement of your Minister of Higher Education that he wants a brand new university curriculum in order to shorten the distance between the madrassa and the university. That is an indication that the Taliban want to alter universities to make them become madrassas. A country cannot be built on Madrasah's alone 
The country needs engineers, doctors, economists, agronomists, lawyers, historians, writers, computer experts, all kinds of modernly educated and scholars. These modern sciences subjects can't be found in Kholasa, Qudri, terms of prayer or Sarf Mir.

If the timing of the current issues was about the Islamic system of 1400 years ago, we will not say or object anything in relation to your deeds. But Afghanistan can't be reversed backward to that time. Don't you all have watches, mobile phones, armored cars? The clothes you wear, textiles in use and traveling in airplanes are all build in the countries of the infidels. These are all items that didn't exist 1400 years ago. No, in the absence of using these modern items you will not be able to live a normal life for a day . And to top it off,  you on the one hand spreading propaganda against the US government conspiracies and with the other hand accepting their monetery help of hundreds of millions of dollars. So far, you have received around two billion dollars from them in the name of humanitarian aid. It seems like their dollar is halal but their Radio and TV are forbidden taboos!!!

Currently, the only factor behind the relative stability of the Afghani is the 40 million dollars per month  US back up fund release. Do you think now a days you can hide something like that from people?

Is there any other Islamic country in the world where girls' education is banned?  The fact remain the same that as of yet none of the Islamic countries, not even Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar recognized you. This is not a good news for you. And eventualy a day will come that this type of international abstraction will be the cause of your complete downfall.

Wake up! Do not throw Afghanistan into the pit of destruction. Don't  take your today's power for granted, you have already experiened this type of power grabbibg in the past. Bad days often have no end, and One day, the situation will come to that even in exchange for huge advance payment for safty, you will not even find a fox-hole to hide in it 

I am telling you stright that millions of people who are angry at you will join hands with every enemy of yours and as a result will bring such a disaster on the country that have never been repeated in its history. I can also tell you that I feel your downfall, catastrophic downfall with my own eyes. This is not a warning, nor an elderly poor old man like me has the power or authority to give you warning. This is a call, and if you don't pay attention to my calls, the water will be way above you head to be drowned. 

The respectable leaders of the Islamic Emirate!
History has proven that power can be taken by force, but it cannot be kept by force for long. From the authoraterian position of Amir al-Mu'minin to the ministers, minister assistants, governors, mayors, directors and even the head teacher of schools, all have been handed over to the Taliban. From one angle , this is raw injustice and on the other hand, it adverse affects all sections of society, advocating that you have no trust in the knowledgeable and skilful people. Simply it is an oppression. You took the food from the mouth of those educated ones that were trained enable to work for government agencies and companies only. They don't wear long beards and its a shame on you to force the experts and military officials to grow beard without their consent. And they will all become opposing you and become your enemies. The exclusive governing of a particular group or party has often led to tyranny and injustices and ultimately diminished to be expired to death. The people of Afghanistan have severe food shortages but one of your governor become groom performing two weddings in one week. It should be reminded that the numbers of Taliban and their children do not exceed 100,000, but in contrast, the population of Afghanistan is forty million people. It is impossible for any authority on earth to exercise power by force in order to keep over 40  disgruntled people quiet

Over come your pride. Engage with other Afghans, especially the young and the experienced skilled ones which is necessary to be part of successful government within the shared administration. Participation in government and related affairs which is simply a common property, is the right of every qualified member of the society and must not be treated as personal posession. 

Monopoly of power by any particular group or personalities are neither acceptable to the world nor to Afghans. Don't over-generalize and deliveretly separate yourse from the Afghans and international community; doing so does not end well. The last explosion in the city of Kabul, which may be intensified in the near future is bad news for you. Currently the country of China evacuated its citizens from Kabul, an indication that such departure might be repeated by Pakistan, India and Iran. And this will be the blue-print of downfall of your system.

Being highly intoxicated on power is more dangerous than any other drug. It makes your eyes blind and your ears deaf. And being both blind and deaf, the fall will be rough and at that point when the hangover of power is over, reality may sink in but it will be too late time to move on.


ساخته شده در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823
آخرین اصلاح در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823