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A. Halim Hakimi

محل سکونت



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Italy's Mussolini, allied with Hitler, invaded Greece from Albania, and the Japanese had already begun military expansion into East and Southeast Asia. One of the main reasons for such expansion was based on the claim of genetic superiority to "save" - ​​read conquer - other so-called inferior people.

Then the diverse multi-ethnic social structure and the post-modern United States of America intervened in the war. One of the good outcomes of World War II was the US victory in the war, which led to a worldwide decline in the political concept of human superiority based on bloodline. After World War II, the few remaining politicized societies that still functioned on the basis of bloodline, such as India and South Africa, eventually changed course.

  Unfortunately, Afghanistan is still an exception to this positive changing trend of bloodline-based supremacy. A good example is that political Estekhara is still continues to be passed down to cronies/next-of-kins and sold multiple time to the highest bidders redirecting history placing society backward.


ساخته شده در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823
آخرین اصلاح در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823