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اجازه ها را اداره نماییداجازه ها را اداره نمایید




A. Halim Hakimi

محل سکونت



​" سیدعبدالله کاظم : عجب دنیایی است که یک مفتری هم توقع دارد که به پاداش عقده گشایی و دروغ شاخدارش باید مورد تحسین و تمجید قرار گیرد.              یا للعجب! "

Some of us don't give a hoot how the late president Daoud Khan died, simply because the manner-of-his-death is historical and has no bearing on the current situation in Afghanistan.

I do admire Mr. Daoud Malikyar while he wrote Dr. Kazim's name 14 times, but without the title of Sayed that Dr. Agha-Sahib claims to be the owner of. Hope that other intellectuals will also follow Mr. Malikyar's inititive, and omit those privaleged titles with benefits in their writings.

Claiming such titles helps position the owners at the top of the food chain, education and at the high end of the social structure. Such proof free mostly political titles give their holders the ability to undermine/ neutralize the self-esteem of millions of Afghans all over the country in order to gain their complete obedience. When self-esteem is gone, not much is left. 


ساخته شده در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823
آخرین اصلاح در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823