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اجازه ها را اداره نماییداجازه ها را اداره نمایید




A. Halim Hakimi

محل سکونت



​" پنجاب "

In many circles of expression of Afghan intellectuals, the 6-alphabet word of Punjab is referred to as representation of Pakistan's political deeds vis a vis Afghanistan. An indication that some take the issue as an ethnic factor, which is not the case.

Politically, Pakistan is the de-facto Muslim representation of Indian subcontinent, and this fact is enough for the foundation of India-Pakistan enmity.  Therefore, the existence of India with a larger Muslim population than Pakistan is a real threat to the foundation of Pakistan, while the mere legitimacy of Pakistan is a threat to India's territorial integrity. Sorry to say but being in such side-by-side contradictory coexistence, sound permanent. 

Hence, in relation to Afghanistan, Pakistan has little choice but to politically position Afghanistan as an ideological, belief-based state to balance its shortfall of strategic-depth with a much larger India. So far Pakistan is successful and has not much to do with state of Punjab


ساخته شده در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823
آخرین اصلاح در 01.01.2023 16:02 توسط 1073741823